Bryce Merrill
Executive Director

My name is Bryce Merrill, I live in Sacramento California, and currently am a Senior at West Campus High School. I have a strong passion for all things STEM, especially when it comes to our environment and climate and the influence this has on manufacturing and architecture.
I knew little about manufacturing before joining The Subortus Project, but over the past year, it has come to mean so much more to me. It's the foundation of technology and innovation, driving everything from microchips to car assembly. Manufacturing is key to progress and staying ahead, playing the most crucial rules in our daily lives. It touches every aspect of STEM.
The Subortus Project drew me in with its focus on engaging young minds in manufacturing. As Executive Director I aim to help the project expand its reach, connect more youth, and strengthen relationships with the manufacturing community. Through building on our successes and expanding, we can impact more youth, empower the next generation of innovators and changemakers to lead with purpose.